![Ameritrade Oil Futures Chart, September to 14th November 2014](https://michaelzfreeman.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/primeOil1-1024x566.png)
(Chart source: Is the Oil price the Prime Indicator of LENR (Cold Fusion) breakthrough? ).
I woke up this morning and, while drinking my coffee, started doing my usual internet search. What is usually an interesting but fairly mundane activity turned into a major Eureka! moment for me.
First I hit this article that appears to have predicted why the oil price has dropped (which I explain below). The article appears to have been produced in November 2011 according to what is the final paragraph …
Oil companies braced for E-Cat developments
This provided the insight for that Eureka! moment …
Suddenly the fear of running out of oil is gone. The fear of running out of nickel is many years, if not centuries, in the future. The expected market price of oil would be no more than the price that would make energy from oil the same price as energy from the E-Cat. If even the most easily extracted oil cannot be extracted for a competitive price, OPEC will almost certainly react by pumping a lot more oil and charging a lot less.
(My emphasis).
What we have seen is a process going on from the beginning of when the E-Cat, Cold Fusion and LENR technology first emerged. From the beginning we’ve seen many who just “get” that something real is going on, or their instincts and experience tell them that Rossi is no “con man”. Through the years and many tests the technology has been subjected to much scepticism and outright attacks. But as time has gone on the evidence has built up.
With Peak Oil and the once all pervasive atmosphere of Global Warming rhetoric and scare mongering, the world has been aware that it has a problem. Many reports predicted increasing conflict due to diminishing resources and a diminishing ability to extract oil. All that builds up into fear.
But now the E-Cat and other LENR technologies are proving themselves we are seeing this major response in the oil markets. But why lower the price ? Now here I had my second Eureka! moment …
If the price of oil remains high, the world will inevitably convert to E-Cats faster than they would otherwise. If the price of oil drops rapidly, then the energy price benefit expected from the E-Cat is achieved almost instantly. The general expectation is that the price of oil will start to fall as soon as the real potential of the E-Cat becomes clear.
Could oil companies by buying E-Cat like there’s no tomorrow … hence the deliberate reduction in the old price due to increased production by OPEC ? Are they protecting their investment by making it less desirable to convert to E-Cat due to the reduced oil price, so that people keep using their oil ? Actually there’s good evidence for this.
E-Cat is a technology that the oil companies are interested in taking up, not to replace oil, but to reduce their extraction and storage costs. This is not my assumption. This approach has been revealed in documents produced by Breakthru Technologies ( breakthru-technologies.com, ecat.com – Roger Green who is part of the Rossi team) …
PDF: E-Cat Technology, A New Age of Energy Production.
Applications of this 1MW E Cat Heat Power Future 200 400 Degrees Celsius
Tar sands process steam for oil extractions
E-Cat Technology, A New Age of Energy Production. p18.
This means initially we are in the marketplace in competition with industrial boilers or steam.
E-Cat Technology, A New Age of Energy Production. p5.
Immediate -‐ 1 -‐ 10 Years: The Conventional option Period
This is a time where, for those who are familiar with triage, society adopts fusion for immediate needs. We will see businesses that need cheap energy to stay afloat as the first to implement the technology. As an example, in a conversation with an oilman from Midland, Texas, it was revealed that the local utility was charging them $10,000 per well to operate the electric motors for the pumps. He has 100 wells, and it was costing him a million dollars per month to bring the oil to the surface. He also mentioned that this cost was passed on to the consumer, resulting in higher oil prices going to the refinery. This was causing his business to lose its competitive edge. The same is true for tar sands. Those companies need a heat source to liquefy the tar, and as petroleum prices rise, it was no longer becoming economical to use their own fuel. I know that environmentalists are gnashing their teeth at the prospect of the Rossi Eat becoming defiled through this application, but fret not -‐ in later years this source of energy will be relegated to the backburner.
(My emphasis) E-Cat Technology, A New Age of Energy Production. p20.
As you can see there has been a definite forward thinking plan here. This has not been an approach of “invent a technology and unleash it on the world and see what happens”. That would have been irresponsible. We are dealing with millions of people’s jobs and life’s here. A potentially disruptive energy technology such as the E-Cat could have caused unpredictable reactions in markets where billions upon billions of dollars is at stake. Using an irresponsible approach the success of the E-Cat would have likely been held in jeopardy and possibly even suppressed or kiboshed by huge energy companies unable to fit E-Cat into the industry.
So is this why Industrial Heat have been so quiet over the last few months ? I suspect so. It is highly likely that deals are being made with the oil companies by IH, and possibly other companies, to introduce E-Cat as a way to make oil extraction viable in extraction areas that were, up until now, just too expensive to go into. Those deals also establish an intent on the part of the E-Cat inventors and marketeers that shows the oil companies that they are not out to destroy their business but actually intend to support it. This may seem like heresy to the environmentalists but even the oil companies know that oil will not last forever, and this approach, in the meantime, allows them to diversify and take into account such a massive new step in energy technology such as E-Cat/LENR.
So with all that in mind the futures chart at the top of this article should make more sense. The oil price drop is not just in response to “fracking”. There are some very real forces at work here …
- Reduction in fear in investment markets due to reality of E-Cat/LENR coming to fruition. This shows the reality of at least one alternative to oil, and causes psychological changes that make many realise that these things are possible … hence the reduction in fear; and remember that Capitalism is based on expecting continued growth and healthy societies … not increasing conflict based on limited energy sources.
- Rossi/Industrial Heat and Breakthru Technologies engaging with oil companies to sell them this new technology to reduce costs of oil extraction rather than going into direct competition with them.
- A deliberate policy by OPEC to reduce oil prices by increasing production in order to make E-Cat less desirable … why ? Basically “because we want it” (the oil companies) to reduce costs of their extraction (see quote above from the PDF … “Immediate -‐ 1 -‐ 10 Years: The Conventional option Period”) … and keep us buying it, at least in the meantime.
What we’re seeing here is something quite extraordinary. After a 100 years of reliance on oil the world is starting to move into a new phase. That, ironically, could at first see an increase in oil production due to the opening of new oil fields due to the reduced costs of extraction from using the E-Cat technology (and presumably, including products made by E-Cat competitors).
Here is the way through the “Global Warming” climate change crisis. If you believe that to be caused by CO2 or increased Sun activity. Either way its obvious that we need to change our ways. Now we have a way through … Eureka!3,899 views