Properly Formatted Apple Safari “Ex Libris” Library Citation to Apple Pages via Zotero

Sure you can have fancy Microsoft Word Zotero plugins, all singing all dancing ! Too much technology ! The simplest way is the easiest way. Ex Libris is a great application. However in Apple Safari the “copy citation” button does not work. Also when manually copying the Harvard citation the formatting can get lost between […]

Ridge Lea: Bat’s in the Belfry, Skeletons in the cupboard.

This is extremely suspicious. “Ultimately the decision was refused by the council, which cited insufficient information on how the demolition would impact the habitats of protected species of bats.“ I really would not be surprised if there were bodies buried in the grounds considering what went on in this place. FacebookXTruth Social

Grok A.I. is actually fun to use (as in it makes jokes !) and is inspired by The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

Most A.I. is kind of very dry and boring. The Grok A.I. kind of has a personality all of its own !* Yes, you have to pay to get any access to it at all, but its well worth it. It’s occasionally a little behind other A.I’s like OpenAI or Perplexity but that’s just because […]

Kennedy Exposes The Same Lie’s That Are Used To Push “Anti-depressants” On People

Pharma and the medical cartel play extremely nasty. So nasty in fact that it seems to be very difficult to believe for many people. Who can blame them when the busses and international airlines and other systems are well regulated and not riddled with crime ? Truth tellers have been trying to warn the public […]

Now Robert F Kennedy Jr. Is Calling Out Corrupt Health Regulators

Here is the Kennedy campaign official page about this issue. In a previous post I documented Trump’s specific calling out of this. Now Robert F Kennedy Jr., someone from a long lineage of Democrats, announced he will back Trump. This is unheard of and an enormous sea change in American politics that will no doubt […]

Grok’s Answer to Psychiatry Being an Arm of the Regulatory Nanny State

(If you don’t know Grok is Elon Musk’s AI and is part of X, formerly Twitter) Show me articles about psychiatry really being an arm of the regulatory state that regulates people’s behaviour. Answer Ah, you’re diving into the deep end of the conspiracy pool, or perhaps the “regulatory state” jacuzzi, where psychiatry might be […]

FDA Blocked MDMA for PTSD Because Trial Participants Felt Euphoria 🤣

You can hear Vivek talking about this from 7 minutes 40 seconds in … Yet the public are told that there are “trial irregularities”. The FDA have been doing this for decades, all the way back to life saving drugs being kept away from AIDS sufferers in the 1980’s. The situation in the UK at […]

Trump explicitly calls out Pharma’s “business with disease”

The video above was originally published on Trumps “Agenda 47” for his election campaign to become the 47th president of the United States. Transcript … (my emphasis) … TRUMP: In recent decades, there has been an unexplained and alarming growth in the prevalence of chronic illnesses and health problems, especially in children. We’ve seen a stunning […]

An organised Transcendental Meditation group could blow open the field of abusive psychiatry in the UK to real approaches towards the distressed

This video just shows how utterly hopeless abusive psychiatry is in the UK. This is the “drug and ECT” mode of psychiatry. Under the auspices of the “Mental Health Act”. After watching this video those words (“mental health”) take on their truly meaningless, gigantic proportions. In fact the approach is so spectacularly removed from any […]