An organised Transcendental Meditation group could blow open the field of abusive psychiatry in the UK to real approaches towards the distressed

This video just shows how utterly hopeless abusive psychiatry is in the UK. This is the “drug and ECT” mode of psychiatry. Under the auspices of the “Mental Health Act”. After watching this video those words (“mental health”) take on their truly meaningless, gigantic proportions. In fact the approach is so spectacularly removed from any […]

The Rap of Abusive Psychiatry

“Pertaining to the nature of free will it is common for many materialistic scientists and philosophers to argue that Free Will is a kind of Illusion that your behaviours are all determined by events which are not you and therefore that you never truly choose to do anything” Morphic Resonance; The Theory of Formative Causation, […]

A worldwide “conspiracy” run by elderley idiots

Really important video of Tucker Carlson here. It was the historian Antony C Sutton who said a similar thing. He said that the corrupt characters he studied were “children who never grew up”. The destructive personnel in badly run parts of the psychiatric system are also of similar ilk. When I observed their abusive behaviour […]