This was reported in the Daily Telegraph in Australia (pay wall) as well as on Twitter …

“Suicide will no longer be treated only as a mental illness and prevention will shift away from doctors, psychiatrists and hospitals into community programs”

[my emphasis]

New suicide plan based on lived experience, Sue Dunlevy, National Health Reporter, News Corp Australia Network.

And she has controversially suggested the need to move away from a medicalised model of dealing with suicide. “Whilst anyone that attempts suicide is certainly in mental distress it does not mean they have a mental illness,” Ms Morgan said.

[my emphasis]

New suicide plan based on lived experience, Sue Dunlevy, National Health Reporter, News Corp Australia Network.

“It was the social determinants of health that were often behind suicide, issues like housing security, financial security, food security, trauma and relationship break ups, she said. If these real life problems could be solved the person may not even need mental health care …”

[my emphasis]

New suicide plan based on lived experience, Sue Dunlevy, National Health Reporter, News Corp Australia Network.

In the following video Australian Prime Minister’s Suicide Prevention Advisor, Christine Morgan, talks about financial insecurity and other practical problems that need to be tackled to help someone. Not entrapping them in some unsolvable “chemical imbalance” puzzle.

Source: Suicide Prevention Australia Facebook page.

The actual published report is, as you’d expect for a government report, quite dryly written, but shows the (enormous) shift of focus.

Australia is yet another country (Italy, Brazil and other South American countries, Sweden and many others) to throw out “mainstream” psychiatry into the street where it belongs away from our children, old people and loved one’s. An industry that regularly damages and causes the deaths of its customers cannot last very long. People don’t want to be damaged and even die. They want to grow and thrive. Psychiatry is a nineteenth century creed that is well past its sell by date. People gave it more than a good chance to mend its ways but psychiatrists would never make any changes, arrogantly and doggedly continuing on their path of “chemical imbalances”. A path to destruction. Good riddance and don’t hit your ass on the door on the way out.


2 thoughts on “Australia is Throwing Out Psychiatry

  • I Just hope the EU follows suit, My life was ruined by shrinks gaslighting my real problems, It is unlikely that I will ever trust a doctor or so-called professional ever again. These people are lower than vermin, they make their money from other peoples suffering. My only consolation is that shrinks are more likely to commit suicide than those under their yoke. Probably when they suddenly realize all the harm they have caused and finally listen to their moral conscience.

    If you are a shrink and have ruined someone else’s life beyond all repair, than I can only say this to you:

    Kill yourself.

    • I have to say I do not condone killing shrinks or encouraging them to kill themselves.

      However, saying that, I can understand the pure hatred and fury that their awful interventions can initiate. But as someone put it “hate will destroy you”.

      There are good practitioners out there if you know how to trust your instincts. You deserve good help !

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