“After a careful analysis of the risk-benefit ratio, we reject all “mental illness” labels for the Warfighter and, likewise, reject the use or usefulness of psychiatric medications in the process of Warfighter reintegration. We acknowledge the devastating implications of these labels and “treatments” for traumatized individuals in general.”

Warfighter Advance Mission Vision

Something is happening to the corrupt psychiatric profession. Now these Warfighters who shrink from nothing. They fight some of the most violent, offensive individuals you will ever find in the world. They returned home and were thrust into another war. A war against an enemy that, until now, has remained elusive. Shrinking away from any spotlight like sneaky Taliban soldiers in the hills of Afghanistan eluding capture … until now. Now those tasked with having to raise the greatest courage in the face of danger have unmasked … IT.

An enemy within our “safe” countries. A terrifying enemy that aims to totally destroy and dominate its victims. This enemy was already known of in a way, which is why so few dare utter its name, much like having to be careful of your criticism of the Taliban if you are a local in Afghanistan.

But now judgement comes. Now entire battalions of the United States military, the biggest military force on the planet have become fully aware of this threat.

Force multiplication; “We acknowledge the devastating implications of these labels and “treatments” for traumatized individuals in general.” [My emphasis]. This is like finding the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars. We are under attack ! Who will protect us ? How appropriate that Warfighter Advance comes to the rescue. Of course the first task is to help military veterans but the call has gone out …

We acknowledge the devastating implications of these labels and “treatments” for traumatized individuals in general.

Warfighter Advance Mission Vision

The warrior class has got the message. Psychiatrists you cowards, be afraid, be very afraid. We’re coming for you within the bounds of the law and justice and your time has been marked. This world will be rid of you.

EDIT: I removed the Bart Billings image that I got from the Warfighter site. Bart Billings book has multiple references to CCHR in his book. CCHR is a known Scientology cult entity. Any connection with Scientology can be used to discredit any legitimate stand being made against corruption in the psychiatric industry. If Warfighter Advance are aware of this I am not certain yet although all searches of their team turn up zero CCHR connections.


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