(Excluding any good psychiatrists of course).

This is what as gone drastically wrong in the West, the UK and USA …

And more so …

“Traditional psychiatry makes no distinction between psychosis and mysticism and tends to treat all nonordinary states of consciousness by suppressive medication. This development has created a peculiar schism in Western culture. Officially, the Judeo-Christian religious tradition is presented as being the basis and backbone of Western civilization. Every motel room has a copy of the Bible in the drawer of the bedside table, and in their speeches, high-ranking politicians make references to God. However, if a member of a religious community had a powerful spiritual experience similar to those that many important figures in Christianity’s history have had, the average minister would send that person to a psychiatrist.”
Spiritual Emergency, Stanilav Grof


Psychiatrists are technocrats. The ultimate regulators of human behaviour. They also have some resemblance to the (fictional) Sith in Star Wars. Although I don’t expect them to be throwing around lightning bolts anytime soon ! But, joking aside, they hold back enormous spiritual forces … to an extent. How can one hope to hold back the universe itself ? An entity clearly full of spirituality, humans included (as long as you don’t believe “its a machine”. Then I can’t help you). Psychiatrists are like King Kanute trying to hold back the rising tide. Their mind virus is not necessarily “woke” but it has infected many minds with their ideology. These infected people allow psychiatry to operate unchallenged in the background, acting as a counter-evolutionary force.


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