I’ve only read the Kindle sample so far but already this looks like an important work that has a relationship with my own research. The psychiatric and, as I have found out personally, the psychoanalysis profession has been deeply infiltrated by these ideas. The pharmaceutical companies are only too willing to go along with it with the promise of huge profits. If anyone doubts how serious this has become then read the article Caretaking our planet: a new direction in The Psychotherapist. The author openly discusses terrorist networks in glowing terms. This is territory that has been covered very well by Jamie Glazov. All the gooey New Age’isms and “saving the plant” posturing, is really a form of Crypto-Communism and/or Crypto-Marxism. All very interesting but this nonsense has infiltrated deep into the heart of our mental health system and psychiatric wards. It’s about time true forms of Christianity be bought in here that would allow genuine healing methods such as Somatic Experiencing to come in.