In another video game break from our usual programming, here are my HDR screen shots from Far Cry 6.

They were taken using the Windows 10 XBox Game Bar that creates a “JXR“. That was then opened with IrfanView which has an auto tone mapping function. This works well for some images but not so well for others. Even though some of the images above show some overexposure or “blow outs” I actually like the overemphasised effect and I think it shows to people who don’t have an HDR display what the experience of HDR can be like.

Far Cry 6 is a return to form for the series. Ubisoft seem to have mastered providing all their plethora of “stuff”. The hunting and fishing, and some other elements, don’t not appeal to me. But I’m sure many love them ! It’s really a case of homing in on “your game” and Ubi have set this up very well while still catering to Far Cry diehard’s and veterans. This is most prevalent in the setting. The environment and landscape somehow manages to be a 2021 version of the original Far Cry (the first) but on a scale that was never possible back in 2004.


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