“If you have a mental health issue, don’t see a psychiatrist. It is too dangerous and might turn out to be the biggest error you made in your entire life.”

Source: Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 1: This Book Might Save Your Life.

That has to be my favourite quote from this great book serialisation that Mad in America did. Imagine, if you will, a day when no one goes anywhere near psychiatrists. A day when people are no longer afraid to openly laugh at them and ridicule them for their peculiar ideas. That day is just around the corner. That day, a day of days, will be when the fear lifts away and dissipates never to be felt again. A day when ordinary people will no longer fear the tyranny that is psychiatry. A day when Soteria Houses will be open across the country and the world. Hundreds, maybe thousands of them. A day of compassion and empathy, of humanity and sanity. A day of rejoicing and merriment. Writing of the quality of Peter Gøtzsche’s will be one of the many things that brings that day about.

Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 1: This Book Might Save Your Life


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