Britain continues to lock down in the face of irrefutable evidence that this is exactly what China wants us to do. Protecting the vulnerable from a virus is laudable but the British government has gone too far in the face of a situation with China that I could swear British intelligence agencies are briefing ministers about. In fact I found a major report by consultancy firm Horizon Advisory as reported on by The Washington Post in this article.
Is the British government simply being a bit dim about all this ? Or in the face of Prime Ministers Boris Johnson’s reluctance to cancel Huawei ‘s 5G contract, a decision which he reversed under pressure from the United States and advice from British experts, are many British ministers simply following a path of collaboration with China ? Will they benefit financially from a weakened British economy in the resulting influx of money and investments from China ?
This may seem outlandish to some. None would dare call this treason, just as in the depths of the Cold War no one would dare suggest that the West was being betrayed by its elites who were pro-communist. Yet this is exactly what author John A. Stormer found and published in his book None Dare Call it Treason. The historian Antony C. Sutton also wrote about this.
I implore all interested parties, citizens and MP’s on both sides of the political spectrum to take this situation seriously. Saving life’s must always be a priority but in the rush to do this we are allowing ourselves to be played by China.