I have a couple of articles coming up. One will be about Soteria houses in Israel. Israel is completely changing their psy system into the model developed by Loren Mosher, R D Laing and John Weir Perry. A model that treats those in distress with total compassion, empathy, sympathy and humanity …

the president of the Israeli Psychiatric Association, Haim Belmaker, is on the board of Soteria Jerusalem; and the director of mental health services for the Israel Ministry of Health, Tal Bergman Levy, has voiced her support. Meanwhile, the Lasloz N. Tauber Family Foundation, a prominent mental health charity in Israel, has provided financial backing for the Soteria houses, and at a December 19 conference in Jerusalem, Sylvia Tessler-Lozowick, the foundation’s director, set forth her vision for the future.”

Source: Soteria Israel: A Vision from the Past is a Blueprint for the Future

The other article will be about Eckhart Tolle and his book The Power of Now. Even though this was published back in 1997, and I had some interest in what the book covers, it somehow passed me by. Eckhart has quite a skill of describing spiritual and practical issues of psychology in extremely simple and easy to understand language. Up until now many of these matters have been obfscuated by mystification so I think this is a very important book and most important of all for the distressed and sufferring.


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