The basis for Psychiatry’s affliction:
“But to many people, the inner sensations are too frightening to surrender to, and a kind of deadness invades the body. This brings us full circle to the deadness that modern cosmology attributes to the heavens.”
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
“E Malek
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
5.0 out of 5 Cosmology Mystery Solver
5 November 2019
Format: Paperback
The premise of the “The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space” is rather simple, frighteningly so for 21st century astronomy which relies on unobservable, complicated theories that always need correction. This is the status since the early 20th century when Einstein declared the cosmic space dead and free of any absolute energy.”
OK. So here we go. Einstein relegates the cosmos to “dead space”. So begins the entire edifice of messed up Science filtering down to all other levels such as medicine. This is how we end up with a psychiatry that denies people’s inner experience. That deadens the internal life of the body in the name of a “dead universe”.
The review continues …
“The three questions many people instinctively ask together are: is there something that moves the heavenly bodies; what made all the mass we observe around us; and is it possible that we are connected to this force that energizes the universe? DeMeo after 50 years of research on these subjects declares that all three questions have one origin—the Dynamic Ether.”
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
The Dynamic Ether and all the other “fringe” Science’s such as Electric Universe are maligned and rejected in deference to the great Western Scientism paradigm of “dead, dead, dead !”. If it ain’t “dead Jim” we ain’t interested ! So, extraordinarily, there is a direct comparison between faulty Cosmological Science models and a psychiatry that, you guessed it, deadens, deadens deadens ! If that’s through vacuous “theories” or physically through deadening drugs.
“The question of humanity related to the cosmos is not ridiculous to many religious (or not) people, as they feel something inside them move when they look at the dark sky, or nature, or love someone deeply. They literally feel their emotions connect outside of themselves with nature at large, and feel a profoundness that can only be captured in great works of art such as in operas or paintings. The emotions are really just our own bio-energy moving spontaneously, and being perceived by us if we allow its full flow. But to many people, the inner sensations are too frightening to surrender to, and a kind of deadness invades the body. This brings us full circle to the deadness that modern cosmology attributes to the heavens. Modern official science has killed God and cosmology was one of its executioners.”
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
Psychiatry kills in the same way. The messy end of an entire 100 years out of date Western Scientific (some would say Scientism) paradigm. Can you see the connection between a Cosmology obsessed by gravity and “Black Holes” and depressed “de-ethered” people ? As well as “Dark Matter” this and that. As the reviewer above so eruditely points out, we are dealing with an entire Western Scientific paradigm that roots right back to the origins of the Western philosophical paradigm in Ancient Greece. Within this context the reason becomes obvious for their even being a debate at all about Psychiatry. As we look to the heavens so many are blinded to the light by circuitous, double binding “certainties” about the nature of cosmological phenomena. As they are led further and further away from the heaven and the glory, Psychiatric “understanding” becomes more and more seductive. Convoluted “discoveries” masquerade as intelligence while true intelligence is sidelined and rejected. Stupidity is worshiped as a million pop little deadening pills.
“If there is no God, neither can there be a unifying energy as they are from the same cloth is many relevant ways. Both are primordial, universal, everything originates from it, it permeates everything, it is a force that “intelligently” self-organizes. The famous quote from Einstein that “God does not play dice with the universe,” is hypocritical as he was but an atheist, and secondarily, it means it will be an intellectual as himself who will unravel the remarkable and perfect universal force without the need of ether.
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
However, to the pre-20th century scientists–including the start of science proper with the Greeks–all believed in god(s) that created existence including mass and cosmic influence. They accepted there was a god but sought to understand its mechanical laws. Through observation, experiments, and their subjective feelings, they believed in a universal force that flowed in the sky and moved the cosmic bodies. This force also allowed energy (i.e. light) to be transferred in this medium. The luminiferous ether was hypothesized.”
So blinded to the true nature of cosmological phenomena, people become blinded to energies and feelings within their own bodies. This is especially true with trauma. As etheric (Reichian Orgone) survival energies become trapped, hemmed in by our own immersion in a massive Scientific fraud, they get stuck and unreleased. Animals, mercifully free of mind clogging Western “Science”, quickly release trapped energies. But we, misled as we are, flounder upon a sea of errors. Rather than just lying down AND FEELING WHAT IS THERE we defer to another authority (Psychiatry) who are more than willing to classify all the “mental health” and Psychiatric symptoms produced by that trapped energy. Psychiatry wipes it all away with tranquillizing drugs and worse. Just as they wipe away the true magnificence of the cosmos with their “Dark Matter” and “Black Holes”. Just as in the movie Black Hole we are drawn into a place where there is supposed to be nothing … yet passing through its center we emerge in an extraordinary land on the other side. This is the land where the truth will be freed and Scientific Frauds will be exposed. The sick will be healed and industries of death will dissolve in a blinding light (blinding to them). But to the elect – those who have been born here to be alive – the “impossible” will be achieved. A terrible regime will be vanquished. A regime that promotes the idea that life has to be suffering, cynicism and pessimism. These things are not man’s way. This is not a simulation or a dress rehearsal. Life is by definition beyond the extraordinary. And at the bottom of the rabbit hole is an ultimate irony. Psychiatry will depress you to death ! Look up at the stars.
“If there truly were an ether, it would make sense of many disparate scientific observations in cosmology, meteorology, geology, and finally biology. Everything seems to have a natural rhythm that is not mechanical but pulsatory; they all emerge from a spiraling and swirling movement whether it be the the emerging leaf, the arms of a hurricane, or the multi arms of a galaxy; there is a typical deep blue/violet color around these dynamic functions permeating as a halo. It would seem logical to astute scientists to deduce from many different functions a universal energy, as they have at their core similar phenomena. DeMeo in this masterpiece lays the groundwork for the hypothesis of this force and the proof of its existence by more than 10 modern day scientists using an instrument called the interferometer, including the famous Michelson-Morley 1887. Yes, that is correct, the most famous ether experiment that all physicists like to quote as null, turns out to be positive, thanks to DeMeo personally visiting Case-Western university and digging through Michelson’s notes.”
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
How many Anti-psychiatry or mental health campaigners will take you into this territory ? From this view high above the earth we can see the context in its full richness. Gone is the suffocating ignorance stagnating in a thousand debates about the evils of psychiatric drugs. True empowerment grows a weapon of truth that has the cutting edge of a sword.
“The proofs provided are all logical, observable with regular scientific instruments (not billion dollar ones as are so prevalent today), and most of all, make common sense. There can be no more doubt about the ether, which in reverse meaning spells the death of many long-standing and cherished mechanistic theories in the natural sciences. It is high time that the heirs of Einstein stop playing god with their random and unmanageable dice in describing the universe.
Quote from a review of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, by James DeMeo, 18 Sep 2019.
The book is easy to read as nature is logical when one knows what to look for. Don’t be fooled by cosmologists who use complicated theories, bizarre words, or extravagant instruments. With plenty of solid information, great photos of all the scientists and relevant experiments, and many references.”
I had difficulty coming up with a conclusion to this article. But the bottom line is this. When have you ever heard anyone compare coercive Psychiatry to Cosmology ? I’ve certainly never heard the comparison made in well over a decade of campaigning. It has been alluded to by practitioners such as Peter Levine who cite Wilhelm Reich as an inspiration for their work. But to actually see the problem here for what it really is, is a quantum leap away from traditional campaigning. Protestors have been trying to end psychiatry’s horrors for decades. I remember a particular article in a Canadian magazine called Phoenix Arising, written by an investigative journalist who had first encountered the cruelty of psychiatry. He was rightly outraged and I’ve seen identical articles written today. Yet his article was written in 1980. We have got nowhere. Psychiatry carries on with its horrors. Pharma companies grow more powerful. Yet this is because we’ve been looking for the answer in all the wrong places.
Until now ?