32/09/20 – QED: The lockdown’s are FRAUD and were completely unnecessary

QED. As I thought from the very beginning of this something was very, very wrong. It has been. It’s called FRAUD. Your businesses and society were damaged for NOTHING. You should be angry. You should take legal action against the government. Sue these criminals into the ground.

The previous page is here. Updates will continue on this page.

Important revelations from Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association shared at international webinar organised by the European Society of Pathology.

“What all the pathologists said is that there’s no one who has died from the coronavirus. And I will repeat that: no one has died from the coronavirus”

Above quote from transcript.


Original news release from Alliance for Natural Health “No evidence anyone has died from the coronavirus”.

Off Guardian article.

Latest Updates (previous update page here)

I checked Kate’s claim that she is a nurse who was suspended. This turns out to be true.

Related websites …

Backup of video.

Breaking: The WHO say Covid19 isn’t about a virus, it’s about changing our society ….

“Whether by design or criminal neglect, lockdown policy has actively targeted the most vulnerable, singling them out for unusual and cruel treatment.”

This along with new official statistics from the CDC in the States showing grotesquely reduced deaths from covid (whatever that is) , THOUSANDS less. Others I follow have confirmed this but I have not had time to confirm it myself yet. But it matches with the overall agenda (of at the very least gross incompetence and/or criminal negligence that has cost thousands of life’s).

This video meme seems to belong here.
Click here for the Zerohedge article.

FDA finds new toxic hand-sanitizer ingredient, expands warning to 157 products – Regulators find toxic 1-propanol as well as methanol in some products.

Source ( Author seems to be @nativeca66 ). High quality version (right click to download).

The Left/Socialists/Communists need Climate Change … or a virus panic …

… we want to take rational people and create a crowd stampede, because crowds behave differently to rational individuals in the crowd. If you can get people to think their lives are in danger, and they have to run … then they behave in ways, they do things, they submit to irrationality, and The Left thrives.

The Candace Owens Show: Dinesh D’Souza, Jul 26, 2020 @ 13:27.

Nothing adds up

Philip K Dick wrote about dehumanising forces that threatened to turn us into androids ..

Video below originally found through censored account; https://twitter.com/GeneralDilley/status/1286349473413771265 … Dilley can now be found here.

Original tweet archived.

The rise of artemisia in Cameroon in the fight against COVID-19
‘Shouldn’t Africa take a deeper look at natural medicines?’

More here.

Tweet originally from a now censored account; https://twitter.com/TommyG/status/1281403355164704769 … @TommyG can now be found here. Original tweet retrieved from archive.org …


Also see …



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