This is just absurd. A recent piece on James O’Keefe’s new site (he’s an investigative journalist) calls in one fraudulent doctor to call out another fraudulent doctor. Dr. Valentin Isacescu is a bio-psychiatrist. Bio-psychiatry has been doing what everyone got so upset about with Dr. Fauci, FOR DECADES ! It was one of the first […]
Why we want OpenAI Chat GPT to be alive
We want Chat GPT to be alive because we lack natural awareness of ourselves and the surrounding Universe being truly alive. So while we reject the primitive superstition of animating rocks and tree’s into full blown consciousness, we simultaneously cry out for a Chat GPT that is conscious and alive in our panics about it […]
This ain’t “old” its just good !
rave_on · Sasha Classic FacebookXTruth Social
Psychiatrists are Viruses in Shoes.
(Excluding any good psychiatrists of course). This is what as gone drastically wrong in the West, the UK and USA … And more so … Psychiatrists are technocrats. The ultimate regulators of human behaviour. They also have some resemblance to the (fictional) Sith in Star Wars. Although I don’t expect them to be throwing […]
Tucker: Is there a connection between mass killings and prescription drugs?
A journalist being, well, a journalist. Remember that ? Tucker not only comes out with the psych drug issue but the reason the so called “lock downs” happened. Pharma corruption. People ! There are lives being lost here. People destroyed. Families ruined. A veritable war on society by a load of corrupt, psychopathic criminals in […]
Please support Sam’s push to start a “Secret Boxing”/Fitness center in Penzance
I have some history with Penzance and with Sam who is a really great guy and has his heart in the right place with his plans to start a Boxing / Fitness center in Penzance. Please help the crowdfunding if you can ! FacebookXTruth Social
Replace “Search with Google” Menu Item When Your Default Browser is not Safari
I use Microsoft Edge but even though the browser is set to default in MacOS settings there’s this pesky “Search with Google” menu item in everything which is hard coded to open Safari. Online guides constantly go on about adding a shell script to Automator. This never works and in fact I was surprised how […]
My latest assessment work from BA Hons in Creative Music Technology
So for my friends and supporters here is what you’ve been supporting ! Sound design: Mr. Bean Clip Assessment Work I got 63% “Very Good” which is getting up to a first mark which is 70%. This video was done for the Designing Sound part of the course that is run by Will Parker who […]
The plague of the little man
The plague of the little man. It’s THEIR existential TERROR at the universe. Its vastness. It incomprehensivness. That life might actually be REAL. Their TERROR at being mortal. That existence might be extinguished at any moment. Disconnection from the eternal, timeless true self NOW. So Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness, archetypal cosmology, depth psychology, and religious […]
Note for sufferers of so called “Dissociation”
The body is a consciousness lensing device. Therefore trauma causes distortions in the lens. Think of a magnifine glass focussing the sun to a point. Abberations in the lens would cause multiple light points rather than one. This is dissociation. The light is all you but only seems to be “seperate” parts of consciousness. Restoring […]
Philip K Dick was the West’s Franco Basaglia
In the final scene of the 1982 film Blade Runner the “replicant” says, as he is dying, that his memories are being lost “like tears in rain”. A reference to the fact that he is crying. This betrays the fact that the Harrison Ford character is in fact hunting down real humans with real human […]
The HP Printer Driver for Linux: Sense this makes none !
Starting on campus here its nice to have salvaged my old Laser Printer. Laser printers may still seem like elite only devices exclusive to office buildings but really they will save you a lot of money. Second hand Laser printers are very affordable and the toner will last for months, even years. By comparison ink […]
Another example of the mess that is psychiatric human rights campaigning in the UK
A perfect example of all this came up today. I was simply posting a polite comment to an article on MadInTheUK only to get an aggressive email response from admin addressed to no one and signed by nobody. It was complaining about me using the phrase “My dear” which I was using as a term […]
How I feel everytime the SpaceX Falcon lands
Open in new tab / download. FacebookXTruth Social
Everything you know about mental health campaigning is wrong (makes ur time, we has all ur bases)
Ever feel like some heavy lifting needs doing around here ? This is how I feel when dealing with various self professed “mental health campaigners” and/or most people who at least claim to “want to replace coercive psychiatry in this country”. In reaction to these same activists asking coercive psychiatry to change its ways, psychiatry […]
My letter to SpaceX about a proposal for a severe trauma/distress treatment model that insures sustainability of Moon and Mars colonies
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How to actually use Intel Quick Sync on Linux to record smoother desktop video’s
I have an Acer Swift SF113-31. A sort of mid range laptop. It’s amazing what it can do as its its not hugely powerful. The one thing it has fared badly at is recording video of my KDE desktop. I wanted to record something in the browser to video. FFmpeg recommends a few methods. But […]
My script that selects a random audio file & has a cache for fast response
Previously I published a script that selected a random audio file (or any file). However it assumed that the folder where you have your files is exclusively filled with audio file types. As a DJ I save mixes to a folder along with text and HTML files that hold the track list. It was getting […]
The Chiropractic Liberation from ECT: Victims Need to be Told !
WARNING: Please consult a trained medical professional before proceeding with any treatments. I previously wrote about this here. Chiropracty resets the nervous system using physical techniques to home in on where the problem is. Then physical techniques are used to “reset” the nervous system. This is very dramatic. So called “ECT” resets the nervous system […]
At Last an English Translation of L’istituzione negata (Basaglia), The Institution Denied
(Please disregard any PDF’s previously published on this page and use the the “docx” files below). I posted previously about “Psychiatry Inside out“, purportedly the only English translation of any of L’istituzione negata from the original Italian into English. But there are problems with this book. The main translation of Basaglia’s text is taken out […]