The Shut Down of Free Speech in Mental Health

  I was told never to share critiques of the mental health system ? What better example could there be of the almost total shutdown of Free Speech to do with “mental health” ? This has become a lot more in focus since a certain Mr. Musk purchased Twitter which is now called X. The […]

More “Save the planet” silliness

As much as I’d like to keep the Amazon around, so what if it was no more ? Actually I think we can keep it. But the fossil record is packed with lifeforms that have been and are now no more. Geology is packed with jungles that covered an area which is now desert. That […]

Proof of silencing of your voice in USA and UK

This attack on X and Elon Musk just exposes the appalling “PC” agenda that has basically almost silenced everything. Nothing is allowed to be said in person or in print just in case it offends someone. The media actively partake in attacking anyone that breaks the silence rule. Both the USA and the UK have […]

Epic Game Over ! (Watch Dogs Legion, PS5)

After discounting the PS5 Share Factory, I discovered that the only way to share from the PS5 to Youtube without exporting to an external USB drive, is, yep you guessed it, to use the Share Factory. Once forced to use it I found it to be more creative then it looks and hence the “Game […]

Have you been ignored by therapy organisations when reporting torture carried out under the auspices of the NHS ?

I’m talking about reporting of severe damage to health by psychiatric drugs and electroshock. Were you shut down and ignored by a therapist and/or therapeutic organisation ? I’d love to hear your story. Please contact: In the UK, torture in the NHS system (under the auspices of psychiatry) is very common. All national and […]

If crimes are carried out by psychiatrists then why aren’t they arrested ?

“We know now, for example, that the threshold for police involvement in an incident is outlined in the National Partnership Agreement (2023), published in July. It states police involvement should occur –  •  “To investigate a crime that has occurred or is occurring; or •  to protect people, when there is a real and immediate risk to […]

Come on James O’Keefe. You can do better than this !

This is just absurd. A recent piece on James O’Keefe’s new site (he’s an investigative journalist) calls in one fraudulent doctor to call out another fraudulent doctor. Dr. Valentin Isacescu is a bio-psychiatrist. Bio-psychiatry has been doing what everyone got so upset about with Dr. Fauci, FOR DECADES ! It was one of the first […]

Why we want OpenAI Chat GPT to be alive

We want Chat GPT to be alive because we lack natural awareness of ourselves and the surrounding Universe being truly alive. So while we reject the primitive superstition of animating rocks and tree’s into full blown consciousness, we simultaneously cry out for a Chat GPT that is conscious and alive in our panics about it […]