Cerletti was the “inventor” of so called ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) in the 1930’s. As it says here (above) he subscribed to a fascist magazine. Italy was the crucible of fascism. In fact the word “fascist” comes from the Italian “fascisti”. I have now had multiple people say to me about electroshock “Oh, I thought […]
To achieve rationality we must address this global Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and understand the past
This is an initial publication of an article about this video (not my video, it belongs to Gaia). I will add more later. Suffice to say the line … “Could this mass destruction have implanted a fear deep in our sub-conscious” is not trauma informed and makes the same mistake that talking therapies do. Somatic […]
Part 2: Blowing the lid off the British COVID-19 lock down
(Continued from Page 1) April 20th, 2020, 13:52 GMT: BREAKING: Neil Ferguson based his warning that caused this shut down on undocumented and unexamined computer code. Please note any actual code release happened AFTER the government proceeded. Multiple companies are going to be suing the government for lost earnings. This could bring down the government […]
Projection & Monsters from the ID: The missing Factor X in the Covid-19 lock down
Is there a missing Factor X here that has made this kind of thing worse than usual ? I’ve been thinking about this for weeks after feeling I was missing something. So we’ve had extensive and pathological Trump Delusion Syndrome, Climate Change scare tactics and Greta Thunberg getting school kids running around all over the […]
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ur Doing It Wrong (plus an AAR)
I was getting increasingly confused by Ghost Recon Breakpoint. But this won’t be an article listing endless grievances so hear me out. In a moment of epiphany I was left with a Cache mission pin but with no “Press M to show on map”. I actually started reading the location description … “East Argyll. North […]
Blowing the lid off the British COVID-19 lock down (regularly updated page)
Jump down the page to my summary, or regular updates or key articles. ~~~ Source of above: Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò warns the president that the current crises over the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd riots […]
Part 3: Blowing the lid off the British COVID-19 lock down
(Continued from Page 2) As I realised from the beginning COVID-19 is simply a Cold or Flu virus. Here’s the proof from someone who knows what he’s talking about … See 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic. Also see here, and here. Dr. Fauci in New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus less severe than the […]
World Health Organisation Corruption & Marxism that Created Coronavirus Hysteria Proves Again Origin of Psych Drugs Problem
UPDATE 19th March (latest info): HELLO WORLD! Before Economy Totally Disintegrates – Will Anyone Else Notice WHO Director Made BASIC MATH ERROR in Causing Global Coronavirus Panic? Original article follows below … I have written before about the “Lodestone” (or maybe more closely Rosetta Stone) that is Brock Chisholm and The World Health Organisation (WHO) […]
Finish the Fight: Warfighters unmask a previously hidden enemy
“After a careful analysis of the risk-benefit ratio, we reject all “mental illness” labels for the Warfighter and, likewise, reject the use or usefulness of psychiatric medications in the process of Warfighter reintegration. We acknowledge the devastating implications of these labels and “treatments” for traumatized individuals in general.” Warfighter Advance Mission Vision Something is happening […]
Medicating Normal now in 8 top films at Sedona Film Festival
Medicating Normal. FacebookXTruth Social
The Zyprexa Coverup
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Australia is Throwing Out Psychiatry
This was reported in the Daily Telegraph in Australia (pay wall) as well as on Twitter … “Suicide will no longer be treated only as a mental illness and prevention will shift away from doctors, psychiatrists and hospitals into community programs” [my emphasis] New suicide plan based on lived experience, Sue Dunlevy, National Health Reporter, […]
Major Pharmaceutical Company CEO Jailed for Five and Half Years
I reported before about the Opioid Crisis in the USA. Thousands have died. The same in the UK as well as with Psychiatric Drugs. The difference here is that there has been no declaration of a national emergency as there has been in the United States. This is due to having bad political leadership although […]
What on Earth is Going on Here ? Communism in Psychiatry and Society
“Furthermore, the Communist sees in the dynamic ideology of Judaic-Christian teachings a force for peace which cuts through the vitals of Communism’s campaign for worldwide revolution. As Anatole Lunarcharsky, the former Russian Commissar of Education declared: ‘“‘We hate Christians and Christianity. Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies. They preach love […]
“Gulags were a lot better than the CIA told us they were”, USA Democrat field organiser
Project Veritas in The States exposes more of this same human, global problem that drives psychiatric abuses as well as the “mental health” agenda. Just as with racism and anti-Semitism, these people are driven by an inability to face their own failures. Fears and anxieties are projected out onto the outside, onto “them”. These are […]
A problem of institutional psychiatry: exclusion as a social and psychiatric category, Franco Basaglia & Franca Basaglia Ongaro
In my previous post I covered this very important paper by Basaglia and his wife. I managed to obtain full access (PDF download) to this paper which was only translated to English from Italian in 2018. I believe this is one of the reasons that the Basaglia revolution (or more specifically paradigm shift) has not […]
Invisible War: Iran is bad but this is worse !
“Consider this: In the 14-year period between 1950 and 1963, more American deaths occurred in state and county mental institutions than in all of the nation’s armed conflicts beginning with the Revolutionary War and ending with the Persian Gulf War. Between 1965 and 1990, the total number of mental-hospital inpatient deaths exceeded the number of […]
The Ordinary Miracle of Healing
“It’s useless trying to separate mind and body because they are in a welded, undifferentiated unity.” Connections Between Trauma, PTSD And Chronic Pain With Peter Levine, PhD. All mental health and psychiatric practitioners need to be trained in this in the the UK as soon as possible. This is a revolution. THE paradigm shift away […]
In my previous post I identified some of the real reasons for a careless, uncaring and corrupt mental health system in the UK. In this information war where victims are kept in an information quarantine I managed to break through again to another jackpot ! I had initially identified The Little Alpert experiment as a […]
How the USA Congressional Record from 1969 shows us what “Mental Health” really is in Britain in 2020
“Scientism aligned with Psychiatry think people are biological machines and that free will is an illusion. But this is the flaw in their plan because we do have souls. We can choose and exercise our free will.” Quote from A View From The Galaxies: Universal Reality Beats Abusers on Planet Earth. Progressivism. A political movement […]