Emergency post: The disabled are under murderous attack in the UK

“Mo Stewart Research” collates all my independent research, conducted voluntarily since February 2009, demonstrating the American corporate influence with future UK welfare reforms since 1992 and the human consequences of that corporate influence. The British “welfare state“ is being gradually demolished by successive UK governments, to be eventually replaced with private healthcare insurance. Thousands have died and […]

Psychiatry is the modern Spanish Inquisition keeping us in pseudo-religious-medical slavery

Psychiatry is a modern inquisition. Just as the Spanish Inquisition used to be the “Gestapo” of the corrupt Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages, now this modern day psychiatric inquisition stifles dissent and covers up truths. They are the bully boys of the medical cartel. It’s extraordinary to think that these two realities can […]

The Curse of Child Sexual Exploitation has come. Now That Curse Must be Vanquished.

Someone Else August 21, 2019 at 7:02 am“what children really need from us is love, nurturing, and understanding. They need protection from predatory older children and adults, including many healthcare providers.” So all those promises to “first and foremost do no harm” and “trust your doctor” are just a bunch of medical/psycho/pharmaceutical industrial complex propaganda now, […]

Study that “proved” MDMA (“E”) causes brain damage mistakenly gave animals meth

“Five months after Congress passed its anti-rave legislation, Ricaurte reported that he’d mistakenly given his animals meth, not MDMA, and retracted the paper. The fiasco, described as an “almost laughable laboratory blunder,” got its own chapter in the book When Science Goes Wrong: Twelve Tales from the Dark Side of Discovery. But the damage had been done. Federal […]

Lawyer Dr. Eugene McCarthy: A Call to Prosecute Drug Company Fraud As Organized Crime

I have previously written about the conviction of pharma company CEO’s. This is a very difficult subject to write about. I struggle not to get too emotionalised when so many deaths and damaged people are involved. But here lawyer Eugene McCarthy puts excessive emotion to one side in his brilliant use of legal rhetoric (in […]