E-Cat World Goes Off Course

I’ve been following news about the E-Cat/LENR for a while though the site E-Cat World. Up until recently it has been very good. But then something changed with the posting of an item about Mr. Dodgy UFO character Dr Greer. From there it all started going downhill. Where discussions used to be lively and informed, […]

Very slow House loop with samples

This was recorded using Mixxx. I like to think of this as some kind of chillout house that you might be able to dance slowly along to but just as well wig out to lying down or relaxing 😉 Loops: Winter Phase (Kobb ‘White Pill’ Remix) by Spacebeat. Sample clearance: 1. Stargate SG1: Window of […]

Antidote to cynanide-like poisoning by Olanzapine/Zyprexa (possibly including other “Antidepressants”, “Anti-psychotics”)

The following excerpt is published from my notes from around 2012. I publish it with the hope that it can help anyone else who find themselves in a similar situation. ~~~ Antidote to cyanide-zyprexa poisoning ? – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxocobalamin > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxocobalamin#Cyanide_poisoning Chemistry – Olanzapine can be prepared starting from malononitrile and propionaldehyde:[75] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyprexa#Chemistry Malononitrile, also propanedinitrile, is […]

Is Earth too Isolationist and Introverted ?

It was SETI@Home that got me thinking about this. There’s certainly a huge space community, NASA, ESA, the International Space Station as well as various exploration missions. But all of them (that we know of) are within this Solar System, apart from Voyager. Is lack of contact with intelligent civilisations “out there” because they aren’t […]

Building Latest Gimp from Github

I followed this excellent guide and ended up with the latest Gimp shown in the screenshot above … Building GIMP for artists and photographers Here’s the sequence of commands I used. Actually starting Gimp if you already have Gimp installed can be tricky. Here’s the script I use based on the one in the guide. […]

Torture in Britain and used by Britain is a sad reality, and is most prominent as the “psychiatric system”.

Torture. It does not only happen in other countries. It happens here, HERE, in the UK, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Merry Old England. Factions in government and elsewhere use it against our enemies, other countries, terrorists and, last but not least, patients in psychiatric institutions (http://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/britains-secret-widespread-use-torture/ ). The psychiatric system is a political system kept […]