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A Morpheus Transmission Shows Us The Chiropractic Way Out of The Psychiatric Matrix
WARNING: Please consult a trained medical professional before proceeding with any treatments. (Updated 25th June, see end of article) Abusive Psychiatry –> Massive Trauma (Drugs & ECT) –> Reduced conscious awareness created by abusive psychiatrists using modified torture techniques and drugs that lower self awareness –> Lack of awareness of injuries due to this as […]
NCIS Nails Psychiatry/Pharma Psy-ops and Mind Games. Bravo !
NCIS Psych out episode psychiatric drugs scene (this work is copyrighted but is used here under fair use laws for criticism and review). In a previous post NCIS: New Orleans got a bad rap for it’s portrayal of those in distress and the idea that “the drugs help”. However NCIS has now redeemed itself with […]
Psychiatry Inside out – Selected Writings of Franco Basaglia PDF
(Update: I found some problems with this work. See my post here). This book is out of print and copies sell for £500 on Amazon, so here it is. It needs to be out there and read, especially in the UK … FacebookXTruth Social
How to Re-enable Hardware Acceleration on Microsoft Edge Browser Dev Linux
The WebGL animation at the top of my site here was working perfectly until it suddenly went all slow and broken one day … At first I thought there was an underlying problem with the Babylon.js code that powers it. But a quick look at edge://gpu showed all the hardware acceleration was turned off […]
Twitter get’s Lost in Space(X) with Attacks on Musk and Asperger’s
Martinez on Musk: “Elon Musk as a person is whatever. I don’t- like, he’s a loony toon. He has- he has Asperger’s.” Martinez on Musk: “He has Asperger’s… So he’s special. We all know that. And That’s fine. So here, no wonder he’s going to say some f***ing crazy sh*t because he’s special.” In the […]
Great Serialisation of Peter Gøtzsche’s book, Mental Health Survival Kit and Withdrawal from Psychiatric Drugs
“If you have a mental health issue, don’t see a psychiatrist. It is too dangerous and might turn out to be the biggest error you made in your entire life.” Source: Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 1: This Book Might Save Your Life. That has to be my favourite quote from this great book serialisation […]
Dangerous Pharma Product Placement in NCIS: New Orleans
In the UK Ofcom does actually require a logo be shown when there is product placement, but, absurdly, this is not enforced on foreign productions. This is where a national organisation could campaign for a change in the law on such matters. So to the article. I was watching NCIS: New Orleans a few years […]
One does not simply survive abusive psychiatry
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The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Does Abusive Psychiatry Critique
“Before I write anything, I’d like for people to watch this scene from a TV show called The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It’s a small 1m 41s clip (In case, if anyone comes back to this article in the future and the video gets taken down on YouTube, it’s from Episode 2 of Season 2). […]
Upcoming articles; Soteria in Israel and another on Eckhart Tolle & The Power of Now
I have a couple of articles coming up. One will be about Soteria houses in Israel. Israel is completely changing their psy system into the model developed by Loren Mosher, R D Laing and John Weir Perry. A model that treats those in distress with total compassion, empathy, sympathy and humanity … “the president of […]
A Powerful Prayer
This is a very powerful prayer. Please keep reading and reciting it … I HAVE AN ANGELIC DREAM “I have an angelic dream that one day earthly nations will rise up and live out the true meaning of their creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ I have […]
Fear & Loathing of those who claim to be “saving us”
Please note (added 03/01/23): I am reviewing my article below as it could be too critical of Dr John Read. I decided to do this after reading his recent paper (with Masson, Jeffrey, PhD). Are looking at “studies” really going to get ECT stopped ? The medical cartel are entirely rigged to use fraudulent studies to “prove” […]
Chinese Insider Tells Us How Bad It Really Is With China
This is astounding. After getting blocked by Twitter, for absolutely nothing, I carried on with my already active and in use Gettr account. I was amazed to find hundreds (there are probably thousands if not millions) of accounts of Chinese people and other interested parties who are completely absent from Twitter, Google and Facebook. I […]
Canadian Truckers & Other World Peaceful Protests Prove People Don’t Want Forced Treatments
The issue of forced treatment by psychiatry has been carefully hidden for over 70 years. Victims are often told that “your society has asked us to do this to you“. This is at best a twisted reflection of bigotry from society aimed at the distressed. But bigots are only ever a sub-set of society, not […]
Keep On Truckin’: Freedom Convoy Canada and Around the World
This is truly huge. These are the people ! I thought from the very beginning of all this two years ago that “elite” globalist leaders and pharma scum were trying to suggest that “no one cares” and that “everyone is just going along with this“. At the time I thought “how do I know what’s […]
Samsung’s hidden ultra quality gaming mode for the UE43TU7110KXXU UHD 4K TV
(Please note this is on an AMD RX590 22.1.2 drivers and remains untested on Nvidia). UPDATE: AMD settings must have the TV in “YCbCr 4:2:2” and 12bit colour ! If you are a gamer using this display you may not be aware of this because it’s native resolution is, basically, set to the wrong resolution […]
Can I have an A’men ?
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Die Hard’s Relevance to Current Pharma/Vaccine Fraud Situation
Die Hard has fictional depictions of the same foolish/incompetent professionals that are keeping this pharma vaccine fraud going on for longer than it has to. pic.twitter.com/lSxrF23IXH — Michael Z Freeman (@MichaelZFreeman) December 23, 2021 You’re either part of the problem or you’re part of the solution. FacebookXTruth Social
Politicians should not have to secure the approval of their own medical advisors
JOHN MCGUIRK: "What is new, with Covid, is the now entrenched idea that politicians should have to secure the public approval of their own medical advisors before enacting a policy. This is new, highly undemocratic, and dangerous."https://t.co/p2v0lXBfHD — gript (@griptmedia) December 20, 2021 Excuse me ? Who the F is in control here ? I’ve […]