Psychoanalysing the Mask Wearers

A lot of people in The West have become very good at compartmentalising themselves away from information that might “twist my mellow man”. They’ve also become very good at defending off certain harsh realities (especially to do with pharma) that might penetrate their self imposed exile from reality here on planet earth. Was “the virus” […]

The lid just got blown off the British COVID-19 lock down (regularly updated page)

32/09/20 – QED: The lockdown’s are FRAUD and were completely unnecessary QED. As I thought from the very beginning of this something was very, very wrong. It has been. It’s called FRAUD. Your businesses and society were damaged for NOTHING. You should be angry. You should take legal action against the government. Sue these criminals […]

Psychiatric fascism: notes from the underground (Jon Rappoport)

Psychiatric fascism: notes from the undergroundby Jon RappoportNovember 12, 2015 (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.) ~~~ These are wide-ranging quotes from my work-in-progress, The Underground. They take up the subject of psychiatry, the absurd pseudoscience licensed by the State. “Since there are no definitive physical tests for any of […]

How to use FL Studio VJ as a Live Vision Mixer

Introduction Fl Studio’s “ZGameEditor Visualiser” (silly name, see below) is orientated towards producing Youtube video’s to go along with music tracks. So it may not be immediately obvious how to use it as a live VJ’ing vision mixer. Yes. Vision mixer. Not sound mixer. Once upon a time it was an expensive business mixing video […]

The return of the Winamp thug life

Winamp used to be the go to player for a sense of personality and identity. But its coming back ! Also see I’ve not tried the latest Windows version as all my primary machines run Linux. So I was amazed to find a project I had not noticed … Qmmp, active since 2007 with […]

It’s not just “my opinion” that electroshock & psychiatry is fundamentally a fascist conception

Cerletti was the “inventor” of so called ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) in the 1930’s. As it says here (above) he subscribed to a fascist magazine. Italy was the crucible of fascism. In fact the word “fascist” comes from the Italian “fascisti”. I have now had multiple people say to me about electroshock “Oh, I thought […]

Part 2: Blowing the lid off the British COVID-19 lock down

(Continued from Page 1) April 20th, 2020, 13:52 GMT: BREAKING: Neil Ferguson based his warning that caused this shut down on undocumented and unexamined computer code. Please note any actual code release happened AFTER the government proceeded. Multiple companies are going to be suing the government for lost earnings. This could bring down the government […]

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ur Doing It Wrong (plus an AAR)

I was getting increasingly confused by Ghost Recon Breakpoint. But this won’t be an article listing endless grievances so hear me out. In a moment of epiphany I was left with a Cache mission pin but with no “Press M to show on map”. I actually started reading the location description … “East Argyll. North […]

World Health Organisation Corruption & Marxism that Created Coronavirus Hysteria Proves Again Origin of Psych Drugs Problem

UPDATE 19th March (latest info): HELLO WORLD! Before Economy Totally Disintegrates – Will Anyone Else Notice WHO Director Made BASIC MATH ERROR in Causing Global Coronavirus Panic? Original article follows below … I have written before about the “Lodestone” (or maybe more closely Rosetta Stone) that is Brock Chisholm and The World Health Organisation (WHO) […]

Finish the Fight: Warfighters unmask a previously hidden enemy

“After a careful analysis of the risk-benefit ratio, we reject all “mental illness” labels for the Warfighter and, likewise, reject the use or usefulness of psychiatric medications in the process of Warfighter reintegration. We acknowledge the devastating implications of these labels and “treatments” for traumatized individuals in general.” Warfighter Advance Mission Vision Something is happening […]

Australia is Throwing Out Psychiatry

This was reported in the Daily Telegraph in Australia (pay wall) as well as on Twitter … “Suicide will no longer be treated only as a mental illness and prevention will shift away from doctors, psychiatrists and hospitals into community programs” [my emphasis] New suicide plan based on lived experience, Sue Dunlevy, National Health Reporter, […]