… practically all mass murderers over the past 25yrs were taking them at the time of their crimes … THE ROLE OF CRITICISM IN SCIENCE: ECT, AND THE DUTY TO SPEAK. Linked from No Psychiatrist Needs to Use ECT. In the film Outland Federal Marshal William O’Niel (played by Sean Connery) is assigned to a tour […]
The NAZI’s: A warning from history about slavery & annihilation by pharma/psychiatry
“Varian Fry was the American Schindler. He even had a list. He arrived in Vichy-controlled Marseille on Aug. 15, 1940, with $3,000 taped to his leg and a charge from the organization he worked for, the Emergency Rescue Committee, to help save some 200 endangered refugees, mainly artists, writers and intellectuals, from the Nazis. Quote […]
Those who use psych drug weapons of execution are guilty as a naked gun
Here’s the original …. A blog post describes the piece very well … This reflects to me the power of the resurrected Son of God to save those who cannot save themselves. The man is a plain, average Joe (like us), he is powerless, and yet with what strength he does have he still holds […]
Unnecessary Evil: Using the “nuclear option” in the British mental health system.
The bomber Necessary Evil was one of the aircraft that accompanied the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. What a name. But its a name that described those dark times very well. The American’s have been blamed for these acts far too often. There’s even been talk of war crimes prosecutions. But this is […]
How to understand then combat psychiatric programming
Step number 1 would be to seek out Somatic Experiencing (SE). If you are being damaged by psych drugs reduce them slowly and get off of them. If they have damaged you then you will need basic natural health nutrition and supplements as well as Homeopathy before SE will work. So after covering advice for […]
Key Anti Malicious Psychiatry Media – Part 3 – Deep Space Nine Rocks and Shoals
Although not obviously meant to be a bow shot aimed specifically at corrupted psychiatry such as we saw in part 2, this episode of Deep Space Nine contains such a brilliant affirmation that evil needs to be fought that I have included it here (I assert my right to include this clip under fair usage […]
The agency tasked with preventing your death by pharma is financed by pharma
(I previously wrote about this). CEP point out that many members of the medicines regulatory body in Britain have worked for pharma. Compare with the CAA who have a couple of members with previous employment in the airline industry. There’s a least four in the MHRA according to CEP. However what is much worse is […]
The banned video that exposes Google as liars
Download. The Project Veritas original new release page. I would not normally post this kind of thing on my site but this affects everything. Google and other tech giants need to be pulled up sharply on this. This effects the necessity of getting information out about damaging psych drugs and a million other issues that […]
Two moments of genius
binra May 31, 2017 at 4:18 pmI feel it goes way deeper than guild interest though of course an institutional sense of self-belief in role that attracts status, privilege and power is a heavy bias – but can those at the top be unaware of the nature of their choices? I think not – but […]
Major incoming article
Heads up. Major incoming article. My brethren, our prayers have been answered. In order to create an effective solution that will one day sweep away these killers in the psychiatric/pharma system, one has to fully understand what the problem is. Apart from some of my research starting to open the way, this has been missing […]
Daily Mail Reports on Barbaric Electroshock Torture
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Escaping the Psychiatric Matrix. Nature’s Lessons in Healing Trauma: An Introduction to Somatic Experiencing
Orthodox Psychiatry has such a pitiful understanding of trauma that’s its still a wonder to me that they are even still around. Incompetence and just plain evil of that magnitude can only be kept around when it serves some rather nasty vested interests. The true natural process of responding to trauma has been understood and […]
Government enforced drugging of our friends compared to identical vaccination laws
Here I republish an article by John Rappoport that I received through his email list. This article has not officially been published online due to Jon’s blog having been taken down. The story is one that other campaigners will probably find very familiar. First it was psychiatric drugs, now it’s vaccinations. I can’t think of […]
Royal College of Psychiatrists Admit That Psychiatric Drugs Ruin Life’s
For years these drugs have been promoted as if they’re like some kind of gift from God himself while they have been ruining people’s life’s and causing untold horrors. It’s only due to the good work of CEP and the Daily Mail that the evil psychiatrist crooks have been forced to admit that these drugs are […]
The book Game of Gods
I’ve only read the Kindle sample so far but already this looks like an important work that has a relationship with my own research. The psychiatric and, as I have found out personally, the psychoanalysis profession has been deeply infiltrated by these ideas. The pharmaceutical companies are only too willing to go along with it […]
Key Anti Malicious Psychiatry Media – Part 2 – Star Trek Voyager “Workforce”
(Part 1) In these brilliant episodes we are shown the reality of what the corrupted forms of psychiatry do. To be honest the horror stories that victims report, as well as the more technical details of the Mind Control used, can sound like Science Fiction. It’s no wonder so many victims are simply not believed, […]
My Rage 2 (PC) settings & real (?) reason for “blurry textures”
(Updated 22th of May, 2019, see end) In a deviation from our normal scheduling (this is my site after all) here are my settings for Rage 2. My system is an AMD R9 380 (4GB), Intel i5-4690k CPU (not overclocked) on a Asus Z97-P motherboard. Rage 2 is, thankfully, very well optimised and made to […]
1000’s of working, non-damaging health treatments & technology have been pushed out the market by a “Facebook effect”.
… a period of mergers and acquisitions that created megacorporations. In the past 20 years, more than 75 percent of American industries, from airlines to pharmaceuticals … It’s Time to Break Up Facebook By Chris Hughes. This is WHY psychiatry and the medical system damages so many. It’s not just Facebook. The results are a […]
Pharma CEO’s No Longer Untouchable
CBS News reported on this (video above). Other news items included … Insys’s John Kapoor Is First CEO Convicted of Opioid Racketeering Greed and Lust Drove Doctor to Push Insys Opioids on Patients Insys founder John Kapoor convicted in fentanyl bribery case Insys defendants bribed doctors to prescribe painkillers to those that didn’t need it […]
USA Bring in Faith Based (Christian) Mental Health Initiative
This is another massive win for President Trump and the people who voted for him in The States. This should stand as a model for what needs to be done in the UK. Listen to the statements that Trump starts with and then the amazing piece by Monty Burks. This is an authentic statement about […]