Britain continues to lock down in the face of irrefutable evidence that this is exactly what China wants us to do. Protecting the vulnerable from a virus is laudable but the British government has gone too far in the face of a situation with China that I could swear British intelligence agencies are briefing ministers […]
America Under Attack
Yes it is real. The following is just a single example of court action by the Trump campaign which was published in a tweet … Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was an abused child who lived in a village in Britain near to an American air base. He played […]
This Is It. The Final Stand Against Evil. FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT !
Listen to Dilley above. I’ve never heard such a powerful call to action. We were called by God here to win this fight. Evil has crept into our neighbourhoods. Child abuse. Corruption. Criminality. At a high level as well. Many politicians and high level figures have been overcome by their involvement in organised child sexual […]
Endless “lock downs”. A Perfect Storm of Fear Freezing the Mind
UPDATE: Lockdownsceptics – The Betrayal of Britain UPDATE: BBC – The projections were out of date and over-estimated deaths, it has emerged. How China is Exploiting the Coronavirus to Weaken Democracies,Beijing is using the pandemic to drive wedges between members of the European Union, and to advance its propaganda war against the United States. Gen. […]
Britain’s Chief Medical Advisor Who Ordered Lock Down Paid 5.6 MILLION by Vaccine Producer GSK
Source: AIDS Hysteria Prefigured Covid hysteria. Er. Where is the Serious Fraud Office on this ? Where is everyone on this ? If you think this is the “new normal” then I suggest a one way trip to Venezuela or North Korea and I’m sure you’ll be as happy as pie. So while these lock […]
Coup-vid: There are multiple legal challenges but we’re being told “everyone agrees” with lock downs
Thank you to for pointing out that there are now multiple legal challenges against the government. I thought it was just the Dolan case and I don’t think I’m the only one. The government has become a manipulative and deceptive abuser. They misleadingly give the impression that “everyone agrees with us” and portray any […]
EVIDENCE THAT 5G IS REAL DISEASE CAUSE – The Death of The Dumb: The Death Throes of a Contagion Myth
EVIDENCE THAT 5G IS THE REAL DISEASE CAUSE. I found The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (Including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease being offered for free here. I’m not sure if this is a legal free offer but I will also offer the book for download here (IF THE PUBLISHER OR AUTHORS WISH THIS […]
Breaking: Governors/medical experts court action being started now to convict for life for faking a national emergency
Backup of Youtube video. FacebookXTruth Social
Breaking Through The British Psychiatric Information Blockade: The Real Dope on Basaglia
In my previous article I said I had discovered the best article so far on Basaglia. However its only really an introduction and not really that actual radical (in all senses of that word) “dope” on Basaglia. The discovery of the following article was hard won indeed. This is truly suppressed information in this field, […]
The best article I’ve found about Basaglia closing all the Asylums in Italy (as well as across the world)
Franco Basaglia and the radical psychiatry movement in Italy, 1961-78, by John Foot This article comes highly recommended from me. It’s a fair and clear analysis of a subject that can be confusing and misleading to the British reader. The successful reform movement in Italy may appear to be some kind of radical Marxist affair […]
Peace in the Middle East
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in an Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony via @RSBNetwork — Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) September 15, 2020 Huge. Yet BBC have a story about contact tracing at the top of their page. Who does not want peace ? Yet we have a Globalist engineered “virus” as an attempt […]
This just blows the whole BLM, Antifa, Climate Change and PC agenda. All liars and I’m totally sick of it.
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Psychoanalysing the Mask Wearers
A lot of people in The West have become very good at compartmentalising themselves away from information that might “twist my mellow man”. They’ve also become very good at defending off certain harsh realities (especially to do with pharma) that might penetrate their self imposed exile from reality here on planet earth. Was “the virus” […]
TAA is the main factor that ruins the otherwise good Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Turn it off !
[responsivevoice_button] I previously wrote about the video game Ghost Recon Breakpoint (GRB). There’s a good game in there but it takes some getting at. However its worth it when you do, even more so now with the addition of AI team mates. 1. Start GRB with the “Vulkan” shortcut not DirectX. I could only test […]
The lid just got blown off the British COVID-19 lock down (regularly updated page)
32/09/20 – QED: The lockdown’s are FRAUD and were completely unnecessary QED. As I thought from the very beginning of this something was very, very wrong. It has been. It’s called FRAUD. Your businesses and society were damaged for NOTHING. You should be angry. You should take legal action against the government. Sue these criminals […]
Psychiatric fascism: notes from the underground (Jon Rappoport)
Psychiatric fascism: notes from the undergroundby Jon RappoportNovember 12, 2015 (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.) ~~~ These are wide-ranging quotes from my work-in-progress, The Underground. They take up the subject of psychiatry, the absurd pseudoscience licensed by the State. “Since there are no definitive physical tests for any of […]
How to use FL Studio VJ as a Live Vision Mixer
Introduction Fl Studio’s “ZGameEditor Visualiser” (silly name, see below) is orientated towards producing Youtube video’s to go along with music tracks. So it may not be immediately obvious how to use it as a live VJ’ing vision mixer. Yes. Vision mixer. Not sound mixer. Once upon a time it was an expensive business mixing video […]
Using the Roland DJ-202 Drum Machine with FL Studio (or whatever DAW)
Introduction Roland’s DJ-202 controller is an excellent affordable controller. Even though it’s at the lower end of their range it comes with an in built “TR” drum machine which uses ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) technology. Many people seem to misunderstand what this is. The drum sounds are not samples but are generated by a special […]
The return of the Winamp thug life
Winamp used to be the go to player for a sense of personality and identity. But its coming back ! Also see I’ve not tried the latest Windows version as all my primary machines run Linux. So I was amazed to find a project I had not noticed … Qmmp, active since 2007 with […]
Vaccination: how the West invades the world (Jon Rappoport)
Below is an article published by Jon Rappoport that was published today. I received it via email but his website is down so I decided to republish it here. The current situation with the “virus” is clearly manufactured by the Pharma Drug Cartel. They are the modern Mafia. Now in the 1970’s people said the […]