Putting safety entirely in the hands of the industry is not accepted in aviation so why is it accepted in medicine ?

For those who immediately react to this by answering that “We have N.I.C.E and the C.Q.C”, well all I have to say is that you’re living in denial, ignorance, or both ! It has been proved that these bodies are now hopelessly compromised by pharmaceutical company money. They have failed in their job and need […]

Doctors, Revolt!

Finally the truth is starting to come out. A monolithic conspiracy. People are pissed off ! Mostly unreported, underground, maligned, misunderstood and ignored, people have been damaged, pushed around. Have lost loved one’s and have seen them damaged. While they’re being told “they never had it so good” an industrialised, one size fits all solution, […]

Moving away from the lies of coercive psychiatry: Dark Dreams: A Legendary FBI Profiler Examines Homicide and the Criminal Mind

You might have been told you are suffering from “delusions” or that you are “mentally ill”. You might have been told that you have a “psychiatric disorder”. You may have attempted to communicate the details of appalling crimes to coercive psychiatric staff who were only too willing to indoctrinate you into the coercive psychiatric cult […]

Panoramic Photo’s Video Game Style

The scale of many of these open world video games fascinates me. Using software created for more traditional photographic panorama’s also works with video game screen shots (with some additional tuning). I just made a new one of Watch Dogs 2 and have some archived that I made a while ago which I will try […]

And the truth will set you free, Man.

Dr. Breen on Gordon Freeman (transcript) We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have […]

Coercive psychiatry is a mini version of the Chinese Communist Party

Coercive psychiatry is basically a mini version of Chinese Communist Party oppression as my research shows … “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.[3]” [My emphasis] Source: Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. There […]

Social insight in video games, Part 1

I sometimes wonder if those in the know are getting this kind of reaction when it comes to the truth about the pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical drugs and especially those psychiatric pharmaceuticals and their use by corrupted forms of psychiatry. It must sound like so many so called “conspiracy theories” to them. To be honest, who […]

Deus Ex describes psychiatric anti-resistance drugs suppression action (“Anti-psychotics”, “Anti-depressants”, “Neuroleptics”)

I knew there was something about this fucking game. “The Quicksilver Reflex Booster Is essentially a supercharger for the human nervous system. The Booster works by activating the “attention” button in the parasympathetic nervous system. While activating the vagus nerve, bursts of norepinephrine and acetylcholine flood the motor cortex and enable rapid learning and re-learning, […]