The truth about “mental health” in Britain that even the dissidents and resisters won’t tell you or don’t know !

These pages (my highlights) taken from The Quest for Mental Health: A Tale of Science, Medicine, Scandal, Sorrow, and Mass Society, Ian Dowbiggin. You are not being offered “mental health” but a forced change in your emotional state and political allegiances. What is going on in Britain is a total outrage. Don’t believe me ? […]

Appeal to Anti-psychiatry and Mental Health Rights Campaigners: Why do you never cover the following !?

As in the Brazil example I covered in a previous post, again I encounter very obviously CRUCIAL information in this department that I have never heard covered anywhere, ever ! (Please forgive me if you are some struggling activist out there trying to get the same message across). These gems were discovered in the article […]

Brazil threw out horrific “Electroshock” and other Psychiatric atrocities in the 40’s and 50’s, so why hasn’t Britain ?

Pic: Brazilian director Roberto Berliner. (Photo: Alison Claire Brailey/ UCLA.) ( UPDATE 1: Law 180. So Italy did it as well. Another *WIN* against corrupt psychiatry. How many other examples are there like this ? Can they provide a veritable guide book to achieving the same *WIN* in Britain ? To be expanded in a […]

British Psychiatry and Mental Health: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”.

Here it is …. “In Hobbes’ memorable description, life outside society would be ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’.’” Source: Thomas Hobbes: ‘Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’. As well as “it is only the rule of law and the threat of punishment that keep us in check.”. This is the “Law and *Order*” system […]

Evidence that Roland’s ACB (Analog Circuit Behaviour) Technology is Really Doing Something Special

Pic source: FACT mix 652: Posthuman. Pic above: Here you can see the differing output of the Roland TR-808 VST. Pic above: Here you can see the output of the Hydrogen, sample based, drum machine. The two beats are practically identical. Roland just produced a ground breaking achievement. Musicians inspired by the history and sound […]

A brief examination of the article “Post Darwin: social Darwinism, degeneration, eugenics” in light of corrupt psychiatry

Analysis based on an article from the British Library in their ” Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians” series: Post Darwin: social Darwinism, degeneration, eugenics. So "Climate Change" hysteria has even infiltrated the helping professions like psychotherapy. Apparently we are supposed to be "remodelling" people now, not helping them find their full potential – #climatechange […]

Does the word “Adult” really mean “grown up”, or did it originally mean something else ?

I’ve noticed this before. “Adult” sounds a lot like “A dolt” to me. “First used as a noun in Early Modern English, from dialectal English dold (“stupid, confused”)” Source: dolt, Wiktionary. So I made a distinction between people who are perceived to be “adults” versus people who are the more healthy “grown ups”. Is this […]


“In the early 1990s, while researching the extension of the CIA MKULTRA (mind control) program, I had occasion to interview people who had been placed in mental institutions. This article is derived from their testimony, from numerous articles about the horrendous medical torture at two California prisons, Atascadero and Vacaville, and from Jessica Mitford’s landmark […]

I Have a Dream

I have a dream of crowds of people angrily campaigning outside psychiatric wards. Colleague: “Dr. X ! … There is a large crowd of people outside demanding you make a statement !“. Dr. X: “I’m going home for a few hours. Manage my patients while I’m away please“. Dr. X heads outside. Policemen are now […]

In The Mind of an Abusive Psychiatrist

“There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it, I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for […]

Fix for Purple Trees Problem in Far Cry 4

UPDATE: This does not work ! After further testing the purple returned. However I’m onto something here so decided to leave the post. I am also putting in support requests to both AMD and Ubisoft as this should really have been fixed. Took me a long time to work this one through ! Glad I […]

A Good Summary of the Psychiatry/Pharma ‘Monster from the Id’ that Stalks the Planet

Image source: The video game Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. This is clearly from a Leftist perspective but the author makes a very good job of summarising the entire problem. My problem with a radical/revolutionary approach to the problem is that it is so often aligned with what I call “Operation Destroy Capitalism“. Major problems such […]

Answers for Perplexed Anti-psychiatry Activists, Part 2: The Collective Shadow and it’s Role in Locking up “Mental Patients”

Another piece from my notes that could be extended on later. But the core of it is there. This is where all the fear comes from; many individuals who are told they are “mentally ill” are a “carrier” of the DREAD IDEAS that this society has become so afraid of. Freud, Jung, Alchemy, Symbols ! Society’s […]

Answers for perplexed Anti-psychiatry activists, Part 1: What is corrupt Psychiatry’s REAL role for society ?

Image source: Jungian and Depth Psychology quotes and images. This piece is almost directly from my personal notes. I thought it important to get this out there as soon as possible. I may expand on this later. “In this case, Janet showed his truly “modern” understanding that the “true illness” is an intra-psychic conflict (unconscious […]